When a magician breathes no more, there are no sliding doors nor sleeves big enough to rustle up an escape route. That’s all, folks. But that cannot be the last word in the wizard fraternity – a sorcerer’s corpse worth its salt must undergo the broken wand ceremony.
The notion of a magician’s demise or expulsion from a group of practitioners of the craft is far from recent, with Shakespeare suggesting such an event might warrant a ritual of some kind:
By my so potent art. But this rough magic
I here abjure, and, when I have required
Some heavenly music, which even now I do,
To work mine end upon their senses that
This airy charm is for, I’ll break my staff,
Bury it certain fadoms in the earth,
And deeper than did ever plummet sound
I’ll drown my book.
William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Prospero may have drowned his books and broken his staff, but the ceremony we would now recognise began perhaps understandably with the death of the most famous magician of them all – Harry Houdini. Upon his passing in 1926, The Society of American Magicians, of which he had been president since 1917, felt it only right that he should be commemorated in an appropriate way – the simple breaking of his wand after the funeral service to symbolise the passing not only of the person but their powers. In Houdini’s it is a ritual repeated for many years since, always on the Hebrew date of his death (Yahrtzeit) at the place of his interment, Machpelah Cemetery in New York. As it happens, that date happens to be October 31st, the coincidence more likely than not leading to the repeated vandalism of his grave over the years.
The breaking of the wand struck a chord not only with members of the Magic Castle in America but also the Magic Circle in the UK and then, eventually, the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
The ceremony has become more standardised over the years, with the wand used tending to be a ‘stunt wand’ rather than one necessarily used or belonging to the deceased. The current version of the manual, entitled ‘Broken Wand Service for Deceased Members’ was written in 1995 by the magician, author, and former IBM chaplain Reverend Canon William V. Rauscher. Before the ceremony itself, it is customary for the society to extend its condolences to the family of the fallen magician and also declare the death to other members of the relevant fraternity via their newsletter or online portal. The broken wand ceremony itself should be taken before any religious gatherings and has more often than not, occurred the night before the official funeral. An existing magician familiar with the words of the ritual is required to take part where possible.
The IBM ceremony goes as follows (there is also a non-theist version):
We are gathered together in the name of God and to commemorate with thanksgiving the life of (full name of deceased) who was a member of The International Brotherhood of Magicians . (First name), as a member of our great fraternity was linked in fellowship with magicians all over the world and (his/her) interest, activity and skill of performing magic was enjoyed by those who were privileged to share (his/her) friendship.
We of the Brotherhood offer this time as commemoration for (his/her) life and express our sympathy, prayers and hope in the power of life eternal to (his/her) loved ones.
(Display The Wand)
The wand in story and symbol is an ancient conjuring representation of mystery. To the uninitiated, it is but a piece of wood. To our late member it was a reminder to (him/her) of the joy and pleasure of an entertainment art that has existed since ancient times. This symbol was for our departed member an historic emblem like that old illusion called the Linking Rings, it linked (him/her) with others of like mind and heart in this vast magic fraternity. This wand without (name) is now useless. The magic that infused itself into the life of performing on this earth is now broken and joined with the magic of the eternal.
(The wand may be now broken by the person conducting the service or by a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians appointed to do so).
The magic of earth is over. The magic and mystery of another realm awaits (him/her) and will be revealed.
May God bless the life of (name). May we now have a moment of silence offering our prayers for (name), each in our own way, and for (his/her) loved ones that they may continue in faith and hope.
(A Period Of Silence)
It is now my privilege to offer this prayer for the repose of the soul of (name) who was born into the world (date) and departed this life (date). We, who are members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, extend to the family and (his/her) loved ones our sympathy, fellowship and thanksgiving for his life. Let us pray. . .
O Divine Master of all mystery, who in wisdom and skill didst create and design all that is visible and invisible. Thou hast instilled within us the talent to amaze, mystify and entertain. We acknowledge Thy gift to us and your supreme power as the only true and lasting reality from whom we gain inner strength, comfort and peace. Teach us who are members of this ancient theatrical craft to use our earthly skills, dexterity of hands and voice to bring happiness and awe to those for whom we conjure our pleasant and benign wonders. Make us always humble and aware that our imperfect mysteries and illusions are nothing but an imitation of a higher magic unfathomed by mortal man. We acknowledge Thee, O God, as the Divine Architect of all talent and source of inspiration.
From Thy throne flows the purest magic within all the force of life itself. We offer our thanks for the good spirit of mystery that has filled the lives of our past members and though, like theirs, our wand be one day broken and the spell of our efforts on earth to bring smiles of amazement be stilled; yet, shall we stand in wonder of ourselves. Receive, we beseech thee, our prayers for the soul of Thy servant (name), a departed member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. May (he/she) enter into the land of light and joy. Grant that one day we shall meet again in fellowship where no trickery abounds and share the magic of divine love in that house not made with hands-eternal in the heavens. This we pray in His Holy Name while standing upon the transitory stage of life.
AMEN. (Conclusion) Let us go forth into the world of peace. AMEN.
The version performed by the Society of American Magicians varies:
(Name of magician), when you were initiated into the Society of American Magicians, you were presented with a wand, this ancient emblem of mystery. It symbolized the magic power the
at was yours as you used your knowledge of magic secrets and your skill in their exemplification. Now it’s power is gone… It is a mere stick… Devoid of all meaning and authority… Useless without your hand to wield it.
The magician’s wand or a ceremonial one is broken. (It is partially sawed through first to ensure it breaks evenly.) The breaking of the wand is an acknowledgment that a wand without a magician is simply a piece of wood.
Fellow compeers, may the broken wand symbolize our submission to the mandate of the Supreme Magician to whom all secrets are known, even of life and death. Into the surety of his love we commit the keeping of our brother/sister.”
Somewhat perversely, the breaking of a wand isn’t reserved solely for magicians – British monarchs also have a wand broken over their coffin to signify the ending of the service of the Lord Chamberlain, the head of the royal household.